Which museums are there in the municipality of Schagen?

Museumboerderij Tante Jaantje Korenmolen De Hoop Museum Slag van de Somme 1914-1918 Zijper Museum Automuseum Schagen Regionaal Museum 1940-1945 Museum Vreeburg Museum Eenigenburg Museum Historisch Harenkarspel Waarlandsmolen en Molenhuijs

Treasures in the municipality of Schagen

The municipality of Schagen has many museums. Each one is a gem, so top tips for an outing!

Take a look at the past of horticultural life in Museum Historisch Harenkarspel in Tuitjenhorn or discover the usefulness of a polder in Molenhuijs Waarland. Dream away with one of the unique vintage cars in the Automuseum, or dive into the eventful history of the Zijpe in the Zijper Museum. How many man-hours are spent on the restoration of an old horse carriage, and how did a gentleman farmer live around 1900? The answer can be found in Museum Vreeburg. Everything about the Battle of the Somme and the Second World War is explained in medieval castle towers in Schagen. And those who like to bake a biscuit from their own flour should of course go to Korenmolen de Hoop in ‘t Zand. What is the story behind the jute stuff in the Beachcombersmuseum and what connects aunt Jaantje with the KNRM? Discover it in the coastal village of Callantsoog! Which king lived in castle ‘t Huys in Nuwendore? Museum Eenigenburg tells the right story.

In short; Schager museums are very interesting and well worth a visit!

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